Do you care about your job, really?

"Would you like to join our pizza dough club?" What?

I was grabbing dinner at California Pizza Kitchen and our server was telling us about "great offers" and ways to save "lots of money" if we would turn over our email address and sign up for their club.

"It's terrific!" she promised and said she would give us a "form" should we decide to join.


I put the word "form" in quotes because what she gave me was this:Clearly, someone at California Pizza Kitchen doesn't enjoy their job.  Or, perhaps, a six-year-old is in charge of "form" creation.

I know I'm a bit of an English snob (thanks Mom), but I can overlook the punctuation. I actually appreciate the enthusiastic use of exclamation points.  I mean, pizza dough IS fun!!!

However, the "you" usage made me break out in hives. The word wasn't simply a hastily written email; it was copied in a repeat fashion and passed through many hands before finding its way to my table.

Still, maybe no one bothers to proofread.  And at least I was spared the terrible text speak "u" or, worse still, "ur."

No, the "you free" didn't send me over the edge; it was the cropping.

Even if you never looked at what was on the form, wouldn't everyonesomeone anyone notice the shape of the paper?

Whoever had the scissors was craving a little attention.

From my perspective, the problem begins with the restaurant manager. He/she clearly needs to get the staff excited about pizza dough and sell the vision for what they are doing. If the staff believed in what they were offering, they would take pride in details like grammar and cutting straight lines.

Isn't that true for all of us?

Don't we all want to know that our work has significance?

If you tell me to fill a canvas bag with sand, I may not be excited to do the work.  But if you told me the sandbags were going to keep a town from flooding and save people's homes, I would be shoveling with all my might.

Whatever you do, decide to work with all of your heart; people will notice.