What Google Searches Tell Us About Each Other

Have you ever noticed that when you're typing a search on Google.com, the site predicts your question as you type? Many times, the suggestion is correct because, thanks to some fancy algorithms, Google assembles the most common queries and fills in the blanks.  While this is, mostly, helpful, sometimes it's distracting.

Sometimes, I wonder WHAT IN THE WORLD is going on with people?! WHY is Google predicting SUCHa crazy answer?

I was reminded of this phenomenon when I was trying to figure out "When will daylight savings time end..." and after two words, Google gave me this:

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I was overwhelmed.

The circle of life, love, and reproduction in four lines.

Seriously. Hysterical.

Poetry at Google.  Of course, NOTHING is really new on the internet. In fact, there's a whole website dedicated to Google poetry (here) and I'm late to the party, but that didn't kill the fun. I couldn't stop playing around.  In fact, this is almost as fun as the Wikipedia game (described here).

For awhile "search" became a new artistic pursuit.  I wondered what would happen, "if you have..."

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Wow.  Deep thoughts.

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Next I wondered what "If I stop...."and while I wasn't impressed with the poetry, I was mystified that hair straightening could be so perplexing!

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I started to wonder, "why do.." people stop texting, but I only typed two words into the query and discovered...Yawning is a big deal.  Infidelity is a close second, but then, the pets show up. Ah ha! There had to be lots of great Google poetry on animals.

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In fact, I couldn't even finish typing the word "dog" before Google offered up these few examples:I've never given much thought to how my dog sees me, because I'm pretty sure I'm a food source and a ball thrower.   Maybe other dogs don't communicate as clearly as mine.

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I actually had to finish typing "cat" before this popped up.Do cats REALLY know when someone is sad?  I've never had a cat that cared about anything I did, and, even if he did, I doubt I'd look to Google for answers.   But I digress...

Actually, this entire experience is a digression, but THAT'S the fun!!

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I discovered the mundane...

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and the profound...

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And when I saw that someone - LOTS of someones - Googled "what if no one ever loves me" I felt the truth of how lonely our new "social" lives are.  I started to think about family and wondered what people wanted to know about kids...Wow.

I hope when parents type "ugly" they mean in the behavioral sense, not as a physical judgment.

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But what do parents ask about their sons?Sports - Affection - Reading - Companionship - Hmmm.  I may need to write an entire blog post about this one!  I hope that football isn't the first thing on parents' minds.

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Unfortunately, daughter queries are even worse.Yikes.

Maybe the problem is with the parents...

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Oh no...

My fun has taken a darker turn. Wives are convinced they are unloved. Husbands feel ugly. So much pain just below the surface.

In "real" poetry, the writer often bears the scars of pain.  Google poetry is no different.

Try it for yourself and see.

I'd love to hear where your queries take you.

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