Not Your Ordinary Cauliflower


Winter = Comfort Food Right?

I swoon for carbs, and I could live all season long on my Mom's chili and cornbread, but I'll regret those decisions in May so I'm intentionally focusing on making veggies the centerpiece of our meals.

Last week I told you about the Carrots & Peas, a tasty, but multi-step recipe. Today's outing is much easier because, aside from cauliflower (four syllables!), you only need four ingredients!

  • One head of cauliflower
  • 2 Tablespoon Olive Oil
  • 1/2 tsp smoked paprika
  • Salt & Pepper to taste

The most challenging part of the process is getting the florets cut uniformly.  Fortunately, there's an easy trick to shorten the process tremendously.


Preheat the oven to 500 degrees.  Begin by washing the cauliflower and cutting in half.  Then take your knife and cut off the florets.Separate by hand (or using kitchen sheers) so the pieces are roughly the same size.  This ensures the roasting will be done evenly.  I've been known to do the prep work (up to this stage) in the morning so when it comes time for dinner, the process is almost complete.  Drizzle with olive oil.  In the ingredient list above I say 2 Tablespoons, but this is approximate.  I just eyeball the oil to make sure the florets are covered (but not dripping) in oil.  Then season with the salt, pepper, and smoked paprika.  Spread onto a baking sheet in a single layer.Roast for 15 minutes, stirring at least once in the middle.  Serve immediately!Enjoy!!