Finding Perspective

Have you you ever heard of a Lepidopterist?  How about an Entomologist? Well, the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History employs people whose job it is to understand insects, moths, and butterflies. There are people who curate over 80% of the world's bird species and millions of samples of minerals. The collections are MASSIVE and the organization of the whole thing makes me a little weepy. (The drawers are so very pretty!)

I watched this fascinating snapshot and thought of two obvious, but need-to-be-stated facts:

#1 - People have crazy jobs.

Seriously. I underestimate the variety and depth of work people have.  I recently learned an old proverb, "The clever fox knows many things, but the old hedgehog knows one big thing."  The guys and gals at the Smithsonian are a array* of hedgehogs! They go DEEEEEP!

#2 - The world in an amazing place.

If you're frustrated with politics or discouraged by current circumstances, step back and think about the breadth and depth of our amazing world. Get a little perspective. God deserves every ounce of admiration we can muster because DANG is this globe a mind-blowing creative place.

The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History has over 144 million different objects in its collections. A sample of these collections are on display to the public, but 99 percent of the Smithsonian’s treasures remain behind the scenes. Scientists work with these objects to study and decipher the world we live in, each specimen offering its own tiny clue to the natural world.

Just taste a little of the awesomeness for yourself.

And remember, you're in good hands!