Creative inspiration for today!

I LOVE the commitment OK Go has to making spectacular, mind-bending videos, from This Too Shall Pass to Here It Goes Again to the beautiful Skyscrapers, I am consistently in awe of their genius. If you have four minutes, put this on full screen and enjoy the lyrics, the design, and the sheer scope of the execution of this video.

Buy Hungry Ghosts on iTunes: For dozens of exclusive behind-the-scenes video clips from the set, visit Buy the EP now on iTunes: LYRICS: Listen, I know it's been hard, you know it's no different for me. We're less than a zero-sum game now, and baby we both know that's not how it's supposed to be.

Be inspired by the forced perspective, the clever camera work, and ultimately the gigantic team used to make this happen.

Now your challenge is to multiply just a drop of their creative genius and use it in your day!