Adding Adventure to Your Life

“'I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging,and it's very difficult to find anyone.'

'I should think so — in these parts! We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner!'” Gandalf to Bilbo Baggins, The Hobbit


Do you see life as an adventure?

Do you position yourself as being open to new ideas, or are you more concerned with maintaining your routine?

Are you interested in change and innovation, or would you rather increase the predictability of your life?

Does "new" excite or disturb you?

If you're like me, there isn't a consistent alignment between how I want to be and how I am.  Still, my goal is to err on the side of saying "yes" to adventures.

Think about what Bilbo Baggins would have missed if he had staying in his hobbit hole! Imagine the adventures you could miss.

Is someone inviting you to something a little daring? Do you have a creative itch you've been ignoring? Is there a person you want to date, but you haven't found the courage to ask?

What's holding you back, really?  Maybe it's time to say yes; to ignore the overly used question "what if?" and try.

Fearlessness or even its shy cousin, "openness," is central to living an adventurous life.

If it's been awhile since you've been brave, by all means, start slow:

Ditch a chain restaurant in favor of an independent place.Check out a new route to work (and see if you can get lost!).Don't use the regular "templates" at work.

Is your heart pounding yet? If not, then up your game.

Vacation in a new spot. Skip your typical "shows." Remove a favorite app and live a few days like old times.

This is all very tame, but you have to start somewhere. Find a little way to exercise your courage today!