Where Happiness Begins...

"Happiness begins where selfishness ends."John Wooden

Putting yourself first - your interests, your desires, your goals -  will make you happy.

This is an easy lie to believe.  Of course, most of us wouldn't necessarily admit to the equation outright.  Stated as above, it sounds far too selfish.  However, when I really look at how I invest my time, where I spend my money, the issues I argue for, I worry about gradually slipping into a "me first" mode.

I want a life where I put others first.  I want YOUR deal to be bigger than my deal. I want a life marked by selflessness.

Except when I'm in traffic.  Then I want to be first.  Oh, I also want to be in the fastest checkout lane. And when it comes to whether my kids get "the best," even if others get "less than..."

Well, I still have work to do.

Nothing convicts me about this more than when I see someone else living their life in stark contrast to the "me first" mentality.  Jeremiah Anthony is that kind of guy.

Jeremiah is a Junior in High School and he devotes his "Social Media" energies to build others up.  He established a twitter feed designed to encourage and compliment his fellow students.  He doesn't just pick the popular kids - he praises everyone, including teachers and faculty.  As of yesterday, he had already tweeted 3,100 encouraging messages!

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Sure, it's a simple gesture, but he's DOING something positive with his words, and, as a result, he's influencing people for the better.  How different would the people around you feel if you said something nice about their "vibe"?

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Or what if you told them how engaging they were to talk to?

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Imagine how someone would feel if they were told they were creative and wise...Or if their hard work was acknowledged?And who wouldn't like to know that others think they have style?If Coach Wooden is right, then it's easy to see why Jeremiah Anthony is such a happy guy.  He is using the tools he has to make a difference with others.

Watch more of his story here.

And remember to encourage someone today!