How do you define your work?

"If you treat the work as nothing but an obligation, you will soon be overwhelmedby competition that sees it as a privilege and a calling."Seth Godin


A new work week -- YAY!!!

I promise you, there is not an ounce of sarcasm in that sentence.

I love Mondays these days and I'm excited about the work I need to do at home, for my fledgling business, and even on this blog.  However, I haven't always, or even consistently, felt this way.

I've had plenty of Mondays where I felt drained and exhausted by the work ahead of me; plenty of days when I saw the tasks as obligations.

Every job has a season of highs and lows, that's the cyclical nature of life

However, what isn't cyclical, what depends ENTIRELY on our attitude is what we do to in response to those seasons.  Do we, as Seth Godin so eloquently suggests, see our work as a privilege and a calling?

Do we define our ability to work from a place of hopefulness?

Even when work is challenging, there is honor in working well and doing our best.

Do we dig deep?

Do we prune when we need to make a change?

Do we carry on and find ways to be part of the solution?

Or do we complain, drag our feet, and do our work out of obligation, just because we have to?

When that happens, I think we make matters worse for ourselves; our efforts don't shine when our enthusiasm lags.  We leave gaps for others to fill in and ultimately rob ourselves of taking pride in our work.

What is draining your energy around your work?  What can you do this week to address it?

Don't wait.